Monday, November 17, 2008

Twilight has fallen upon us

If you haven't already read the book, let alone the series of Twilight books written by Stephanie Meyer, what are you waiting for? Hitting theaters this Friday, November 21st, is one of the highly anticipated movies by teens and young adults (and maybe some older adults). Twilight the movie is based on the the book written by Meyer that tells of a love story between an outcast, teenage girl, Bella (played by actress Kristen Stewart), and her love interest in an incredibly sexy and handsome vampire, Edward Cullen (played by actor Robert Pattinson). The best way to tell you about the book is for you to just read it. The book will melt your heart away. It will make you wishing for an Edward Cullen to come into your life and sweep you off your feet (or at least that is how all my friends and I feel).

I was mainly interested how Twilight costume designer Wendy Chuck dressed and styled the tall, dark, and fanged Edward Cullen character. In an interview with Wendy Chuck on, Chuck mentions "
I [she] wanted to impart in Edward the look of a modern day "Edwardian" gentleman in teen clothes that were suitable to not stand out too much at school. Some of my original choices of fitted pants and long jackets phased into well-fitted designer jeans, off the rack shirts that were tailored to fit in just the right way, a great classic black boot, American Apparel t-shirts and just the right kind of jacket."

She goes on to talk about what interested me the most: that heather grey peacoat. Where did they get it? It turns out that it was made specifcally for the film and makes its appearance quite often throughout the movie. Therefore, it must be I hear auctioning off? I will be prepared to bid! Other brands they used for costume were Diesel, G-Star, Guess, H&M, Forever 21, Miss Sixty, and Lucky.

Take a look at two clips where you see this coveted grey peacoat (well at least the one I I must say, overall, Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) looks like he stepped out of a Prada look book.

Leather is always better

Don't you just love leather?!? If you don't then skip this post. Randomly, looking around at Parsons, I came across two women who caught my eye. And no, it's not because they are women (FYI...I love my men). They grabbed my attention with their stylish leather jackets and I could not help but ask to snap pictures.

This first
jacket from Wilson's Leather (shown below) I just loved because of the black spikes that accent one side of the jacket. It gives the jacket an attitude all its own against the white leather background. I loved how the jacket gave her simple black outfit so much character and edge.

I could not help but snap a few pictures of this second jacket from Thomas Wyde (shown below). I was intrigued by the studs that accented the trim of the jacket and what really got me were the skulls of the inside jacket rocked! I had flashbacks of Alexander McQueen's skull chiffon scarves for a moment...Fabulous!


The time has finally come. After a decade of mostly pop culture music, Total Request Live (TRL) finally says goodbye. Last night, MTV aired the closing of a cultural movement. Since 1998, TRL has enticed music followers to keep up on the latest and newest hot muscial artists as well as creating and defining their stardom. My favorite was when Britney had her first debut as well as all the other "POP" artists (i.e. Nsync, Backstreet Boys, LFO, 98 Degrees). Geez, I feel old! I apologize for the "youtube" streak of videos, gotta love

Chanel Mobile Art

Too bad I didn't get a chance to go, but take a look at this video...sums it all up! Love Chanel!!!

The Storm has arrived....

If you don't already know, Blackberry and Verizon are unleashing their version of the touch phone this week. The release date for the phone is set for this Friday, November 21st. There has been a lot of hype and anticipation for the new phone that will take the country by "storm" as they say. Below is a new verizon commercial:

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