Although what she has on may come off as ordinary and something we have all seen before, I was interested as to how she used her pieces. I was first drawn to her skirt, which is really a tube fit at the top that she rolled down. Her actual top was a simple tank with a red and white print bra over it (very Madonna/80s inspired). To keep her warm she took a ordinary, heavy-knit cardigan and turned it upside down to give a more relax/grungy collar, where the bottom of the cardigan just falls around and over her shoulders. Finally, to accessorize the look she added two necklaces which were costumed inspired jewelry as well as her vintage shoes by an independent designer.
To add to her appeal, the only thing she bought was the cardigan that came from urban outfitters. Other than that, it was all about 2nd hand clothing either from her mother or grandmother. So not only was she interesting in the way she executed her style, it was also inspiring to know that she didn't spend too much to put the outfit together. And considering our current economic condition, this gal is definitely making use of her resources and applying it to her creativity.
xo xo,