In the most recent episode of True Blood that aired on Sunday, July 11th, you cannot help but notice the new addition to the cast, Joe Manganiello. Playing a werewolf, hired to be Sookie Stackhouse's bodyguard, Manganiello, better known as Alcide Herveaux on the HBO series, has definitely caught the attention of the show's fans.
Originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Manganiello (love that surname) began doing gigs more than a decade ago. With roles on shows like One Tree Hill, CSI, and How I Met Your Mother, it was hopeful that the current 34 year-old actor was going somewhere. True Blood finally gave Manganiello the opportunity to be apart of a project that "took risks" and played into his like for horror films. Even when he was a child, Manganiello thought about being a werewolf. In an interview from USA Weekend, the actor explains, "I would wake myself up at 5:30 in the morning and walk up in the dark to 6 a.m. mass, and I would pray every morning for weeks on end that God would turn me into a werewolf. [Laughs] I was a little, little kid with Coke-bottle glasses, and I would pray for weeks. And nothing happened." How adorable and typical of an adventurous young boy.
True Blood, itself, is an amazing show, that presents vampires in a light that is more mature and sophisticated than most vampire shows on other networks or movies. Of course, backed by HBO, the show has struck a nerve in anyone from the vampiric obsessed to the those who fantasize and wonder about the lives of vampires within our human society. If you haven't already become a fan, then jump on this bandwagon because it's sure to take you on a trip. However, stay clear of the "V." It may take you on a real drug trip, just ask the citizens of Bon Temps, Louisiana. Ha.
The best line of the most recent episode is when Manganiello's character explains why he is so warm: "It's a were[wolf] thing, we run hot." Here's a clip from Youtube of Manganiello from Sunday's episode, don't get too (werewolf) hot!
(Photo: IMDB.com)